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Living in Rhode Island requires driving in varying types of weather throughout the year. Bad weather and many local drivers make it more likely that you'll need the help of one of the many auto body shops in Warwick and other parts of the state. Here's what makes those shops so important for motorists and auto owners.
If you drive almost daily in the greater Warwick area, you're more likely to be involved in a collision that damages your vehicle. According to Driver Knowledge, the average number of car accidents in the U.S. every year is 6 million. If you used your car as collateral to secure an auto loan, you'll need the help of one of the better local auto body shops to fix it if you're among those who are in a collision.
A body shop can also fix rust, stone chips, and general weathering that degrades paint quality and lowers a vehicle's value over time. Fixing stone chips, removing rust, and applying new paint can make your car look new. It also restores your vehicle's value, so you get a better return on your transportation investment. You also can get more if you sell it or trade it in for a new car.
If you have collision coverage or another driver's insurance pays to fix collision damage done to your vehicle, you'll need multiple estimates from
auto body shops. Insurers usually require two or more estimates to determine the extent of damage and the cost to fix it, according to Cleanfax. If the cost is too high, the insurer will declare your vehicle a total wreck and pay a settlement amount. Otherwise, you'll need to have a body shop repair the damage and repaint your car.
A helpful body shop provides customers with towing service to ensure a damaged vehicle will get to the shop. The shop also might help arrange a car rental, so you can go about your normal daily routine without any disruption while your car is in for repairs. The body shop might partner with a local rental agency and help an insurer pay for the rental.
You can call or visit us to schedule a free estimate on collision repairs, repainting, or other auto body services. Get in touch with us at D&H Collision Center today.
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